Juices for good health

When medicines and injections fail to cure a disease, a proper diet, vegetables and fruit juices show miraculous results. The treatment given through vegetables and fruit juices is harmless, reliable and without any side effects. To get maximum benefits from the juices of fruits and vegetables, they must be taken fresh. Preserved juices lose their precious nutrients. Extract juice when required to drink.

One more noticeable point is that juice should not be gulped. It should be drunk slowly with a spoon or with the small draughts. By thus process juice gets mixed with saliva. The digestive juices which the saliva contains help to digest sugar contained in juice. Thus, the juice which goes into the stomach is then digested within 20 to 25 minutes.


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

The apple has a sweet-sour taste. It helps to quench thirst. It’s pectin content relieves cough and helps in eliminating toxic elements from body. Also it is useful in decreasing acidity of stomach.

Apple juice is also useful in curing dysentery.
Apple is very helpful in cure children’s diarrhoea. Though the apple have laxative qualities, the pectin in it checks diarrhoea.


Barley is very nutritious and a rich source of protein and B-complex vitamins.

It is an excellent body-builder.
Barley is useful in digestive disorders. A simple remedy was to make a barley brew and sip throughout the day, while restricting intake of other food.
Barley in useful in fevers and all inflammatory conditions.
Barley gruel with butter milk and lime juice is an excellent remedy for urinary disorders.
The malt prepared from barley is used in the preparation of malt extract for the incorporation in the diet of infants.


“A glass of bitter gourd juice taken on an empty stomach is a sure beneficial remedy for jaundice.” (click to tweet)

Though bitter gourd is bitter in taste but they stimulate gastric fire, warm, purgative, light for digestion. They are excellent appetiser and have the property to cure cough, blood impurities, worms, bile, anaemia.

Bitter gourd juice eliminates the worms thriving in the intestine. It gives relief in piles.
As it is diuretic it relieves the burning in the kidneys. It dissolves kidney stones.

A glass of bitter gourd juice taken on an empty stomach is beneficial to the patient’s suffering from arthritis and jaundice.

In India, people are unaware of this juice. It is bitter in taste hence nobody likes to gulp it’s juice. If consumed it is most beneficial. It’s taste is like ‘Neem’. Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice may give taste. It is advisable to make habit of it’s consumption. It is one of most beneficial juice to health. Anybody can remain hail and hearty by it’s consumption.


"Beet juice can cure cancer.”

The best root is somewhat hard to digest. It is cool, oily, nutritious and a bile controller. It improves quality of blood. It also vitalizes the body. The betaine content of beet helps in cleansing the stomach and intestine.

Beet root juice can be mixed with the juice of carrots, mango, papaya or cabbage for a better taste. In France, there have been many experiments on the use of very large quantities of beet juice to aid recovery in cases of malignancy.
It is a powerful restorative during convalescence.

Beet juice is harmless and beneficial. As it is rejuvenating, it is effective in every type of weakness. It also purifies the blood and bring redness to the body.


“Garlic is the poor man’s musk and an indigenous medicine.” ( click to tweet)

Garlic is a powerful antiseptic. Garlic juice mixed with equal quantity of water destroys cholera germs.

Garlic has been proved effective as an expectorant and in bronchitis. Garlic dislodges phlegm, induces sleep, improves digestion and helps to gain weight.

Garlic also prevents intestinal infections and vitalizes the intestines. It is an excellent medicine for indigestion, dyspepsia, slow flow of digestive juices and gas. In wounds and ulcerations, garlic is used for counteracting putrefaction. Garlic juice is employed, together with water for, cleansing infected wounds. When they are thus washed, the condition of the foul ulcer improves within one or two days, the pain ceases and formation of pus decreases. It is necessary to employ the juice diluted with three parts of water. In Russia, it is commonly used for dressing wounds and ulcers.

Garlic has properties to reduce high blood pressure and hence its importance and popularity in the present times has increased by leaps and bounds. It reduces atherosclerosis and gives relief to the heart. The heart thus becomes vitalized.

In the case of ear pain and deafness a drop of its juice in the ear is beneficial.


Papaya contains ‘papain’ which helps to digest food.
The raw papaya is very helpful in expelling round worms from the digestive tract. The papaya is effective in liver trouble also. It also helps to secure proper menstrual flow. It is a good medicine for dysentery, hyperacidity, dyspepsia and constipation. It has also been proven in anaemia and splenomegaly.

Dr. Lytton Bernard has claimed rejuvenating properties for papaya for the control of ageing. Papaya cleanses the body completely. To get such cleansing benefits one should take about 200 ml of papaya juice daily. The purpose is rapidly served if one undertakes juice fasting and consumes 200 ml of papaya juice alternated each hour with equal amount of cucumber juice.

Papaya is also a diuretic. It is therefore beneficial in kidney disorders.

The ripe papaya is a sure remedy for constipation. It gives relief in asthma too.


Fresh pineapple juice exercises a soothing effect on throat. It is very useful in preventing infections of vocal organ. Pineapple juice also allays bile, destroys intestinal worms and is beneficial to the heart.

Chlorine contained in the pineapple juice stimulates the activity of the kidneys and helps to remove toxic elements and waste products from the body. It also gives relief in cellulitis.

Prevention of a disease is better than its cure. Children and found persons cannot get nutritious substances necessary for their body because of their improper diet and bad food habits. Owing to their undesirable habits and liking for food, the blood cells and other tissue cells are destroyed instead of being reconstructed.
 Services and present unhealthy environment have worn out and waste Ed our children and young generation. If we want to save them from further deterioration, they should be persuaded to form the habit of taking juice diet.


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