Going on a diet is likely officially declaring war- you have to be prepared for a long siege, on short rations, a high level of public interest and the risk of failure! Like any battle, you will need a plan of action, so here is a strategy of a different way to fight those extra kilos.

1. Cover the very worst photograph of yourself in clean plastic and stick it inside the refrigerator so that it is the first and last thing you see every time you open the door of the refrigerator.

2. Give yourself the cut-off time for eating: resolve to never eat after 8 pm.

3. Eliminate the word ‘cheat’ from your vocabulary. Give yourself permission for an occasional bite of something marvellous and enjoy it thoroughly.

4. Never go to a restaurant when you are hungry.

5. If you feel you cannot live without something you nibble, try toasted pumpkin seeds. They need to be shelled, which is an cumbersome work, so fewer of them are eaten. Peanuts in  their shells also slow down the eating process.
Pumpkin seeds

6. Curd mustard makes an excellent substitute for mayonnaise.

7. Stick to the edges of the market, where fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy products are usually to be found. Especially avoid the soft drink and cake shops. If it is necessary to pass the cake shop, close your eyes but take care of the path, don’t fall.
Fruit shop

8. Learn to like drinking water. Take a two litre container, squeeze half a lemon into it and drop in some of the rind for extra flavour. Aim at drinking at least six large glasses a day and always drink one before one hour of a meal.

9. If you really crave for something sweet to drink,  why not slowly eat a slice of watermelon instead?

10. Save half of the calories of butter by blending it with an equal quantity of curd.

11. Take your lunch to work. Buy a container in which you can pre-make a pretty looking salad with lots of interesting vegetables and sprouts. If you have no time in the morning, make brown bread sandwiches.
Salad for lunch

12. Walk tall, stand tall and sit tall (Click to tweet) .This  kind of passive exercise open up your rib cage and allows the oxygen to flow in better- and it is oxygen that burns up fat. “Think” your neck longer by imagining that a thread is attached to the top of your head, suspending you from the sky or roof of your room.

13. Give yourself an attainable goal everyday and keep a list of your successes. Goals can include having a totally sugar free day or 30 minutes walk.

14. When you get out to lunch order fresh carrot juice with your meal. It is so delicious that justifies investing in a juicer.
Carrot juice

15. When you feel desperate to put something in your mouth, try cleaning your teeth. If that doesn’t work, sugarless chewing gum might.

16. Stick a photograph of someone whose figure you admire, up on the bathroom mirror. Think of it as the “future” you. Do a visualisation every morning and before going to bed at night.

17. Try weak, black tea instead of having it with milk and sugar. If the taste is too terrible to bear, experiment with herb teas- some of these have really interesting flavours which can distract your anguished taste buds.
Black tea

18. Walk the dog, preferably a young dog which is sure to take you on a brisker hike then you might otherwise contemplate.
Walk with dog

19. Remember that one level teaspoon full of sugar contains 16 calories.
Sugar spoon

20. Try walking for 20 to 30 minutes every day. If you use public transport, get off a stop or two earlier each day until you've established a good daily hike.

21. Make yourself some healthy treats like sliced carrots, celery and capsicum. Keep these standing in iced water in the refrigerator – they make delicious, crunchy, low calorie snacks.
Carrot slices

22. Take the salt cellar off the table and don’t use any while cooking. You will be surprised at how quickly you learn to prefer the flavour. Salt causes the body to retain water which makes you look and feel heavy.

23. Don’t deny yourself from your favourite foods but finds new ways to prepare them. For instance don’t cut roasting potatoes- use them whole, so that there is less surface to absorb fat. Or bake them on oven shelf and avoid all fat.

24. If you are making sandwiches, avoid spreading butter or margarine on the bread. Instead , use moist fillings such as egg mashed with a little non-fat curd or cucumber on low calorie homemade cheese. Or use a lettuce or spinach leaf as one half of the sandwich.a
Vegetable sandwich

25. Every time you reach a goal, reward yourself with something that is not food oriented, like a facial or a new pair of ear rings or the latest ghazal cassette. Tell yourself that you deserve to be pampered this way.
Praise yourself after achieving goal

26. Popcorn is very satisfying to chew and is low in calories and high in fibres. (Click to tweet)

27. Think of yourself as a person with energy. Buy running shoes and a headphone tape player- it will make you feel like an athlete when you exercise.
Shoes and headphones

28. Make sure you get plenty of sleep that is when your body restores itself, and if you are losing weight there is lot of restoration to be done.
Sound sleep

29. If you had a bad day and blow tour diet, don’t panic. Remember, nobody is perfect. Instead of criticising yourself for one day’s failure, praise yourself for all the successful days that preceded it and all the event more successful ones that will follow.

30. Switch to skim milk and save 880 cals per 600 ml without losing the nutrients.

So if you follow these basic steps in your daily life routiene, body weight management will not be like a war. You can follow them in your busy life easily without paying much attention.


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